
The Promise: Experiencing God’s Greatest Gift—The Holy Spirit is unavailable, but you can change that!

If you and I are going to live victorious Christian lives, we must understand the Holy Spirit’s task is to enable us to experience the Christian life. It's the Spirit who lifts the truth of Scripture off the page and causes it to explode in our lives. So, if you long for a closer walk with Christ and a new infusion of the power for Godly living, then you’re ready for The Promise—a deeper,...

where you make a down payment up front, pay on it each month, and then after enough time as a Christian you get to take your baptism out of layaway and enjoy the whole deal. No. All of the Holy Spirit you are ever going to get as a believer, you received when Jesus baptized you by means of the Spirit into His body at your salvation. The Holy Spirit came to take up permanent residence in your life at that time. The question in the Christian life is not, How much of the Holy Spirit do you have? but,
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